Calculate anything as per your requirement
Here, you can calculate anything with ease in a simple way. Just put the input for which you want the calculation and get the desired output at your fingertips
Date & Time Calculators
Calculate your exact age in years, months, days and minutes
Calculate the exact difference between two different dates
Calculate the difference in hours between two dates
Calculate running/ walking pace as per time taken/ distance travelled
convert your running or walking pace from one unit to another
Health & Fitness Calculators
Calculate your body fat percentage as per your weight & height
Calculate the amount of energy your body needs while being at rest
Calculate the different metrics related to body fat
Calculate the number of calories you need to consume each day to remain fit
Calculate the ideal weight you should have as per your age and height
Generate personalized birthday wishes for your loved ones as per your relationship
Financial Calculators
Convert one currency to another quickly and easily
Calculate the Equated Monthly Installments (EMIs) for a loan.
Calculate how much money you'll need to save/ invest for retirement
Math Calculators
Calculate all basic maths operations of mixed functions with decimals
Calculate percentage, percenatge increase/decrese of values in maths
Calculate how much money you'll need to save/ invest for retirement
Generate random numbers that are hard for anyone to anticipate
Generate strong & secure passwords for protecting your online accounts
Calculate all the arithmatical operations plus complex functions
Calculate the degrees and radians for angles in a triangle
Convert the different units for length, temperature, etc.